American Indian Workshop

American Indian Workshop

The American Indian Workshop (AIW) was founded in 1980 and has become the most important European scholarly platform for researchers concerned with topics related to the Native Peoples of North America. The AIW also includes scholars from all over the world. [more...]

American Indian Workshop - Annual Conference

The AIW meets annually in a European city. Responsible for the organisation of the annual conference are the local organizers, who also choose the general topic of the meeting.

American Indian Workshop - Annual Conferences since 1980: Workshops

46th American Indian Workshop


26 - 28 March 2025

North American Indigenous Languages, Literature, and Culture & Current Research

Dpto. Filología Inglesa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Madrid/Spain

Organizer: Avelino Corral Esteban

Call for Papers [Deadline: 1 September 2024]

47th American Indian Workshop

Date: 2026 [exact date tba]

Title: [tba]

Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, University of Geneva

Organizer: Deborah Madsen

[Persons and institutions interested in candidating for the organization of a future American Indian Workshop, please contact the AIW Organizing Committee:]

Up-to-date information on Native Americans/American Indians/First Nations/Inuit offered by AIW members on:

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American Indian Workshop

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American Indian Workshop

AIW Committee and Mandates

[All mandates approved according to Business Meeting of the 32nd AIW in Graz on April 1, 2011]

    AIW Committee:

Renate Bartl / Markus Lindner / Thomas Donald Jacobs / Livia Savelkova / Milan Durnak / Avelino Corral Esteban / Deborah Madsen

AIW General Management:

Renate Bartl


Markus Lindner




Renate Bartl

    AIW Publications:

Thomas Donald Jacobs

    AIW Journal:


    AIW Webpage / AIW Mailserver:

Renate Bartl


Renate Bartl / Markus Lindner


Markus Lindner